Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It has begun!

Sunday was day numero uno of Vegan Week. I did a little shopping and found that vegan food really isn't too expensive.

Here are some things that I got:
Gardenveggie Burgers
Soymilk - Regular and Chocolate
Vegan Hotdogs
Snack Bars
Thai Noodle Bowls
Thai "Ramen Noodles" (I renamed them because they're basically vegan Ramen)
Wheat Bread
Pita Chips
Butternut Squash Soup

I was so excited about all the other stuff I forgot to get oreos! My total cost of food was about $50... no too shabby.

There was one slight problem.. the power went out at the Gucci Kroger as soon as we got there and I thought it might be a sign that I need to continue my humanly ways and stick with the red meat I've got in my freezer, BUT I shopped in the dark, got the goods, and went on my way.

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